Dr. Peter Verdegem
Dr. Peter Verdegem is an experienced professional both in the management of nutrition companies, as well as in product development in science-driven nutritional products. His career in nutrition started when he earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry for the research in the structure and function of vitamin A derivatives in the human eye. He pursued two more academic positions at the university of Stockholm and Nijmegen, studying membrane proteins and prostate cancer diagnosis. After leaving academia, he worked at medical food and dietary supplement companies in the USA and Europe. He personally developed a number of clinically proven dietary supplements, such as for eye health, prostate health, menopause symptoms, oxidative stress, cholesterol lowering, and type-II diabetes. After he obtained an MBA from Brigham Young University in the USA, he moved into regional management of various health and wellness companies.
“I wanted to start GenLife to bring the next innovation in nutrition to become a reality. Personalized nutrition is receiving interest all over the world, from universities to big nutrition companies. GenLife is the only company to date, that has been able to deliver on this promise."